FOCUS 2023

LPL Financial, Focus 2023 Resources

MyRepChat Webinar

Learn how MyRepChat works and how easy it is to get started

Register for Webinar

MyRepChat Webinars are conducted weekly for LPL Advisors and their Staff
Click Here

Schedule 1:1 Call

Schedule time with Stacey Witty

Calendar Link

Use the link below to schedule 15 minutes
Click Here

LPL has a specific sign-up process for advisors. Once the below link is completed, LPL will create your account within 48 hours. Your account can be accessed at: Clientworks > Tools > MyRepChat.


By registering via LPL, you will receive access to MyRepChat at no additional cost. You will also receive access to LPL-specific functionality, features and integrations, while ensuring that your messages are being compliantly archived and surveilled.